Our Ethos.“EVERYTHING starts with design. Problems can be solved by designing things FOR GOOD, without asking anything of the consumer.”

— Anna Reid, Founder
From right to left: co-founders of Nimbi, Anna Reid and Gemma Doyle

Founded by Anna Reid, a thought leader in strategic design and sustainable solutions and Gemma Doyle, former venture investor and ex-lawyer, Nimbi was born out of an ambition to re-engineer plastic products that are used everyday on a mass scale.

Our guiding principle.“Sustainable products should be a NECESSITY, not a PRIVILEGE.”

A fatigued category void of innovation and sustainable solutions - the shaving industry has remained virtually unchanged for decades. Shockingly, an estimated 190 billion razors have been tossed in the bin and continue to clog up our ecosystem, enough to wrap around the globe more than 500 times. This is why we started our project.

We cannot solve problems based on ideals – low-carbon, naturally degrading swap outs for single-use items are essential in offering sustainable solutions for all.

The debut Nimbi product – SUPPLY 001 disposable razor – has been built using a first to market material comprising waste wood pulp, pine oil and clay. The model will be continually improving in terms of environmental impact, constantly testing the design with new and improved materials, as technology develops. Our unique premium blade lasts longer than multiple cheap blades, eliminating surplus steel, reducing the carbon footprint, as well as visual complexity.

Nimbi offers functional, reliable, daily products that will not disrupt your home environment, as well as the natural ecosystem. The simple silhouettes, neutral colours and minimal branding is the antidote to anything else on the market. We have also removed unnecessary evils, including the “comfort” lubrication strips you see on razors today. These are typically made from polystyrene pads coated in lanolin that are scented or coloured with synthetic chemicals. Our razor and subsidiary products will always be 100% vegan and natural.

It’s taken many years, many many prototypes and material failures, to finally have an accessible alternative that will not interfere with your skin or your environment. We look forward to shaving you soon.

Nimbi.Supplying people with BETTER tools.

Contact us

We are continually looking for connectors, collaborators, retailers, brand partners, engineers and journalists to come on this journey with us. Challenge, query or enquire, we want to hear from you.

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